Educational Programs
Dogs For Life offers a number of educational & volunteer training programs where individuals can learn how to be anything from a Service Dog Trainer to a Service Puppy Foster Family. These classes are vital to educating our volunteers, allowing us to provide more service dogs to the many Veterans in need.
All necessary documents, including the Volunteer Application, will be available for download once you sign in to one of the programs below.
Check out a sneak peek of our Veterans Training Veterans
VA PAWS Act Workshop
If you're interested in taking part in this program, you can find out more information below.
Veterans Training Veterans VA PAWS Act Workshop
The VTV VA PAWS Act program is Organized through West Palm Beach VA Healthcare system, Harper Marsolek, PAWS Coordinator: For additional information: VHAWPBPAWSPilotProgram@va.gov
Veteran volunteers learn to assist in training service dogs for other veterans.
Our program includes instruction in:
Basic dog obedience & behavior
Service & hearing dog tasks
Public access laws
Dog temperament evaluation
Continuing education in service dog training and foster care
Dogs For Life, Partnership with Veterans Administration PAWS (Puppies Assisting Wounded Servicemembers) Act

Take a moment and watch a snippet from our Puppy Raising Program
If you're interested in taking part in this program, you can find out more information below.
Puppy Raising Program
This program allows volunteers to foster a service dog or puppy in training. Volunteer families or individuals learn how to introduce a puppy or dog to a new environment and how to safely socialize dogs while teaching basic manners in a home. Participants wanting to become trainers must be available to bring their foster puppy or dog to weekly training for 3 months, 6 months and potentially up to 1 year.
This program includes instruction in:
Puppy/Dog Socialization
Puppy/Dog Health Care
Basic Obedience Overview
Introduction to Dog First Aid
Dog Bathing and Handling
Get in touch with us today if you're interested in either the Veterans Training Veterans VA PAWS Act Workshop or the Puppy Raising Program.